That's Rad Dude!
It's funny that busting my head in against a headwind yesterday and bonking after 4 hours of January intervals is not considered work to me. I am lucky enough to be in the most ideal place to do this all winter. Yesterday, however, I was subtlety reminded how much I take for granted after a small accident with a car. I'm glad to get the first road rash out of the way, especially before my first race this weekend. I'm definitely okay and so is my bike, just in case the driver who just sped off is reading!!!....So today I didn't even go out for my recovery ride because I was tired after working 7 hrs. I officially started at the Rad today and it is pretty awesome. In fact the Chicago White Sox are occupying 85% of the hotel at this time and I will probably be serving the "Big Hurt" some lunch soon. So far the job seems too good to be true. (See pic!) The staff all seem very nice and the perks of working at this hotel are unbelievable (Free Balley's, Starbucks, Penthouses, Spanish classes & Golfing,... to name a few). Monday I have to go to this tuxedo place to get fitted for my official uniform, which is a tuxedo. And I thought the Rad in Bloomington was nice! Well I apologize, but I am so tired to think of anything cool and interesting to say tonite and I have the 7:30am "Shootout" tomorrow morning. I hope to put up my blog about Uggs soon! or maybe the one about my tattoo, That should keep ya'll coming back! Buonas noches!
Tattoo? you didn't get one before I did, did you?
hey, where's the update from the race???
Steve, Josh won and Michael got 17th! What a great start!
Hey, where is no purchase? haven't heard from you... waiting patiently (sorta) for your next entry...
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